Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the Impact of Internet in learning education

The impact of Internet in learning education it is a good impact because internet is the most learning of people like the to research their report .And also for the study advance the lesson that have you discuss.
but their is one thing is bad it because many of the student make a games of the internet,it is the bad influence of the student because their studies to br lost and not focus the learning of the lesson,internet is make a advantage and disadvantage.


  1. It is true, there are many students are not attending their class because their addicted in the internet specially games.That is the reason they have a low grade.

  2. you had a beautiful background but you will not specified the impact of internet education.

  3. Yah, by Internet we can search anything!

  4. Yah,that's right the internet is very important for the students to research the important reason..

  5. are you sure that internet is good for our education?..but necessarily, you can use internet in a good way..
